Butler "Farmsted" Buildings
Sometimes spelled, "Butler Farmstead", if you've traveled in rural areas of the country, there is a good chance that you've seen a Butler Farmsted Building. Many of these buildings have nearly flat roofs and some of them have angled side walls.
Very popular throughout the 1970's and early 1980's, there are thousands of these buildings still in use, many decades later.

Experts in Butler Products
We have decades of experience when it comes to repairs, or modifying, older butler buildings. We can walk you through the process and help you with the parts you will need.
New Buildings and Reroof Packages
We've helped design and ship complete building packages and reroof kits to most states, and multiple countries.
We're experts in the application of steel building solutions. With hundreds of Butler Steel Building projects completed, we can aid with the concept, design, and implementation of your next steel building.

Get in Touch
620-833-0994 sales@butlersteelbuildings.com
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